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Spend Too Much Time Sitting? Take a Stand for Your Health

lower back pain in officeOur societal demands are astronomical, from the food we eat to the pressure to get ahead to the time we spend sitting in a chair. Sitting may seem innocuous—after all, we often sit down at the end of a long day to relax. But our bodies aren’t meant to sit for extended periods of time!

The Effects of Sitting

We spend most of the day sitting at a desk from kindergarten through high school. And it doesn’t stop there! For most of us, work also involves sitting, which can last another 40 years.

After just 11 minutes of being in a position, research shows that our ligaments shift in that direction and hold. So when we spend hours and years seated, the hip flexors shorten, which results in severe pressure at the sacrum and lower back. Is it any wonder low back pain is an epidemic?

But let’s take it a step further. The pressure impacts all the nerves that exit the spinal cord at that level, and that can cause pain and dysfunction down your legs and into your feet and affect the function of all the organs supplied by those nerves: bladder, reproductive organs, intestines, and more.

What Can You Do?

For many of us, switching careers so that we can stand up isn’t practical. However, chiropractic care can be a very practical solution. At Three Fold Chiropractic & Wellness, we find the subluxations (misalignments) that are causing the nerve irritation or pressure, and we correct them with specific chiropractic adjustments. This helps to relieve the pain.

The next step is to restore optimal function to all of those organs. We do this by retraining the body through movement, stabilization, and strengthening so it re-learns how to hold a proper position, allowing the nerves to heal and function as they should.

Get Started Today

Take a stand for your health, even if you sit all day! Contact us today to book your first appointment.

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